PS / 301


Professional applicator with aluminum body, lever pressed steel and ergonomic handle coated PVC. For sealants and adhesives to medium/high viscosity in standard 300/310 ml cartridges.


Professional applicator with aluminum body, lever pressed steel and ergonomic handle coated PVC. For sealants and adhesives to medium/high viscosity in standard 300/310 ml cartridges.

Net Weight : 810 g.
Push Rod : Tempered – one piece
Clutch :High carbon steel
Max. Force : 350 Kgf – 3,43 kN
Thrust ratio : 18:1
Progress/Stroke : 4,5 mm
PVC softouch : 4 point black or red
Features : Cradle steel rotating, electrowelded
Single Packaging :
plastic bag

